Doctor of Medicine

대학교 - The graduate-entry programs

호닥 2014. 5. 22. 22:21

Eleven medical schools – at the Australian National University, Deakin University, Flinders University,

Griffith University, the University of Melbourne,Monash University, the University of Notre Dame

Australia (Fremantle and Sydney), the University of Queensland, the University of Sydney, University of

Wollongong and the University of Western Australia –admit graduates into a four-year medical degree


11개의 메디칼 스쿨 있음!!

- the Australian National university

- Deakin University

- Flinders University

- Griffith University

- the University of Melbourne

- Monash University

-  the University of Notre Dame Australia (Fremantle and Sydney)

- the University of Queensland

- the University of Sydney

- University of Wollongong

- the University of Western Australia


 Each of the schools has defined its own goals for the graduate-entry programs; they share features in common but the emphasis differs.

모든 학교가 같은것을 채점하지만, 강조하는 것이 다름

The University of Queensland no longer interviews applicants for the graduate program. Entry to the dental program at the University of Melbourne does not require an interview.

퀸즈랜드 대학교는 graduate program 에 인터뷰 없음!! 

< the University of Melbourne >

Please note though that the University of Melbourne requires satisfactory completion of approved science subjects prior to entry.

멜번 대학교는 정해진 과학 과목들을 수강했어야하는 조건있음!!

멜번 대학교 치의학 프로그램 인터뷰 없음!!

Typical course fee for 2014: $57,408 /YEAR Indicative total course fee:$247,436

<Flinders university>
