Life in Australia/호주 시민권

호주시민권 1195폼 Identity declaration 작성- 완료

호닥 2017. 5. 25. 11:56

시민권 신청하는 자는 온라인접수든, 직접 접수 이든 폼 1195폼 identity declaration 은 필수로 제출해야한다. 

신원보증서 같은 거라고 생각하면 된다. 단순히 말해서 최소 1년이상 알고 지낸 프로패셔널 혹은 그에 상응하는 직업을 가진 호주인만이 이 폼을 작성해줄수있다. 

일단 폼을 보자

이건 페이지 1

총 4페이지 이며,  처음 2페이지는 설명, 나머지 2페이지는 작성지 이다. 

  1. Who can complete the Identity declaration

    Questions 1 and 4 of this form must be completed by the person who is applying for citizenship (the applicant).

    Questions 2 and 3 of this form must be completed, and the photograph endorsed and signed, by a person who:

    • is an Australian citizen, and

    • has known you for at least one year, and

    • is currently working in a profession or occupation listed on pages 1 and 2, and

    • is not related to you by birth, marriage or de facto relationship, and

    • is easy to contact by telephone during normal working hours. 

첫번째 페이지에 상세히 설명이 나와있으니 읽고 고대로 따라하면 된다. 

총 질문 숫자는 4개이다. 1번과 4번은 시민권 신청자가 작성

2번과 3번은 보증인이 작성 

그럼 누가 이 신원보증/확인폼을 작성할수있나?

-호주 시민권자이며

-시민권 신청자를 최소 1년이상 알고 지낸 사람이면서

-현재 프로패셔널 이거나 페이지 1&2에 적혀있는 직업군에서 일하는 사람이면서

-내 출생, 결혼 혹은 디팩토 릴레이션쉽과 관련이 없는 사람이면서

-일상적인 근무 타임에 전화 통화가 쉽게 가능한 자 이여야 한다. 

그니깐... 한마디로.. 호주에서 살면서 시민권 만들려면 - 요런 친구하나는 꼭 필요하다. 

그럼 가능한 직업군을 살펴보자. (페이지 1&2에 나와있음)

List of professions and occupations

1. Australian Consular Officer or Australian Diplomatic Officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)

2. Bailiff

3. Bank officer with 5 or more years of continuous service

4. Building society officer with 5 or more years of continuous service

5. Chiropractor (licensed or registered) 6. Clerk of court
7. Commissioner for Affidavits
8. Commissioner for Declarations

9. Credit union officer with 5 or more years of continuous service

10. Dentist (licensed or registered) 

  1. Fellow of the National Tax Accountant’s Association

  2. Finance company officer with 5 or more years of continuous service

  3. Judge of a court

  4. Justice of the peace

  5. Legal practitioner (licensed or registered)

  6. Magistrate

  7. Marriage celebrant licensed or registered under Subdivision C of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961

  8. Master of a court

  9. Medical practitioner (licensed or registered)

  10. Member of Chartered Secretaries Australia

  11. Member of Engineers Australia, other than at the grade of student

  12. Member of the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants

  13. Member of the Australian Defence Force with 5 or more years of continuous service

  14. Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants or the Institute of Public Accountants

  15. Member of the Parliament of the Commonwealth, a state, a territory Legislature, or a local government authority of a state or territory

  16. Minister of religion licensed or registered under Subdivision A of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961

  17. Nurse (licensed or registered)

  18. Optometrist (licensed or registered)

  19. Permanent employee of Commonwealth, state or local government authority with at least 5 or more years of continuous service

  20. Permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 5 or more years of continuous service

  21. Pharmacist (licensed or registered)

  22. Physiotherapist (licensed or registered)

  23. Police officer

  24. Psychologist (licensed or registered)

  25. Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court

  26. Sheriff

  27. Teacher employed on a full-time basis at a school or tertiary education institution

  28. Veterinary surgeon (licensed or registered). 

이중에서 한명 고르면된다. 

-치과의사, 제이피, 경찰관, 널스, 약사, 티쳐 등등 

그 친구가 작성을 다 끝내면 잊지 말고 사진 뒤에 배서 받을것!:)


그럼 이제 1195폼 스캔하고, 사진 전면 스캔, 사진 후면 스캔 해서 시민권 온라인 신청 다큐먼트에 첨부(업로드) 하면 된다! :)
