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호닥 2016. 3. 23. 23:15

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The World's Most Reputable Countries

The World's Most Reputable Countries


Which countries have the best reputations? What does that even mean? The Reputation Institute, a global private consulting firm based in New York and Copenhagen, has just released its fourth annual list of 50 countries, ranked according to what it says is people’s trust, admiration, respect and affinity for those countries.
Topping the list for the third year in a row: Canada. Sweden comes in second, one place up from last year and Switzerland is third, up from fourth last year. (Australia slipped from second to fourth place.)
What’s most notable is how far down the U.S. ranks: 22nd place, behind Brazil and just above Peru. Several European countries that continue to battle severe economic turmoil ranked above the U.S. again this year including Italy in 16th place, France in 17th, Spain in 18th and Portugal in 19th place.
One reason the U.S. doesn’t rank higher, says Fernando Prado, a managing partner at the Reputation Institute, is that when asked what was most important to them in gauging a country’s reputation, respondents said it was effective government and appealing environment a bit more than an advanced economy.
But the U.S. has been steadily gaining in each of those three categories, says Prado, which explains why it moved up one place from 23rd last year. Prado adds that the U.S. is burdened by what he calls “a negative emotional halo” that has to do with being a world superpower. Outside the U.S., people have mixed feelings about its dominant role in the world
The study asked about the 50 countries around the world that either have the largest economies and populations or are in the public eye as a result of economic, political or natural events. The Institute put four simple questions to the respondents. It asked about the countries’ overall reputation, whether the respondents had a “good feeling” about the countries, whether they admired and respected the countries and whether they trusted the countries.
The countries with the worst rankings are no surprise. Iraq ranked 50th, preceded by Iran, Pakistan and Nigeria. China came in 44th and Russia, 46th.
At least the U.S. scores near the top of the branded product category, where it is second only to Japan. In terms of technological advancement it’s in third place after Japan and Germany. In culture it’s No. 6 but there is only a marginal difference in the rankings between Italy, at No. 1, and the other five countries (Germany, Sweden, France and the U.K. are the four ahead of the U.S.).
A country’s reputation rankings are extremely important, says Prado, because all countries are competing for support from groups like tourists looking to spend leisure dollars, private businesses deciding where to invest, consumers buying foreign products and governments looking to place aid and investment funds.
