갬샛 섹션2 태스크A(GAMSAT section2 Task A)

호닥 2023. 7. 6. 00:43

Task A 는 argumentative essay 이다. 


제공된 여러개의 quotes 중에 한개를 골라 그것에 대해 의견을 제시하면 되는거다. (그건 태스트 B도 마찬가지다) 


나는 제일 위에 타이틀을 적었다. 꼭 책 이름적는것처럼

Title: Catchy or intriguing !!! 


첫번째 문단: 

Explain what the statement/s (quote) means. 


두번째 and/or 세번째 문단: 

Explain why you support the quote you chose with example/s

Explore a specific example of the opposite of your chosen quote 


마지막 문단: 

Restore the 2points of view 


-Minimise your use of contractions as well as first-person and second-person pronouns (I, me, you) 


-Attempt to expand your vocabulary by avoiding the use of negating prefixes such as "not", "in" or "un"

 eg. 'partial' instead of 'incomplete' ,   'vague' instead of 'unclear'


- The use of positive terms will elevate the quality of your essay 


"Typically the most interesting ideas will get the most marks."


-You are to write about what you think, NOT how much knowledge you have about the topic. 


-The ideas that you will discuss must be highly relevant to what the quotations are talking about, and they must demonstrate careful reasoning. 

-> Your ideas must be supported by evidence. 


