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일반혈액검사 CBC test - 헤모글로빈 haemoglobin: 빈혈

호닥 2023. 2. 19. 19:30


Too few cells 

1)Reduced production 

  • haematinic/nutritonal deficiency 
  • alcohol, drugs, toxins 
  • liver (TPO), renal (EPO) 
  • bone marrow problem 

2)Increased destruction/loss 

  • Blood loss - anaemia 
  • sepsis, viruses 
  • immune-mediated - autoimmune, drug-related 
  • hypersplenism 
  • fragmentation syndromes 

Microcytic anaemia 

  MCV Serum iron serum Ferritin Transferrin saturation
Iron deficiency anaemia  low low VERY LOW low
anaemia of chronic disease  normal or low  low normal or high normal or low
Iron deficiency and chronic disease  low low normal or low low
Thalassaemia  very low or low normal  normal or high  normal or high 

Macrocytic anaemia - causes 

1. B12/Folate deficiency 

2. Liver disease/ alcoholism 

3. Reticulocytosis due to haemolysis or haematinic repletion 

4. Severe hypothyroidism 

5. drugs affecting DNA synthesis e.g. hydroxyurea, methotrexate, azathioprine 

6. Haematological condition: MDS, myeloma, aplastic anaemia 


Refer Haem after going through 1-5 


Features of haemolysis 


1. Macrocytic anaemia 

2. Reticulocytosis/polychromasia 

3. Fragmented red cells (schistocytes) or spherocytes 


1. high LDH 

2. high bilirubin (unconjugated) 

3. low haptoglobin 


Haemolytic anaemia - inherited causes 

Thalassaemia, sickle cell disease, G6PD, hereditary spherocytosis 

  • Blood film features 
  • family history 
  • Previous blood tests

Haemolytic anaemia - acquired causes 

  • immune - DAT "Coombs" test positive - mainly spherocytes 
    • idiopathic - frontline-treatment steroids (like ITP) 
    • may be related to lymphoproliferative disease 
  • non-immune - mainly schistocytes 
    • fragmentation syndrome - DIC, TTP, preeclampsia/HELLP 
    • severe infections (meningococcus, clostridia, malaria) 
    • severe liver disease (spur cell anaemia) 
    • valve haemolysis 

Normocytic anaemia 

  1. bleeding 
  2. Causes of microcytic and macrocytic anaemia 
  3. Anaemia of renal disease 
  4. Anaemia of chronic disease/inflammation 
  5. Anaemia of malignancy 
  6. bone marrow problem

