Life in Australia

시민권 자격조건.. 호주 시민 되는 10단계

호닥 2014. 2. 3. 14:32

호주 이민성 홈페이지 먼저 깔고.. 시작!

영주권이든, 학생비자든, 시민권이든 비자와 관계된 것이라면 이 이민성홈페이지에 가서 검색하면 상세히 다 나온다.

오늘 정리해볼 내용은. 시민권 자격조건 알아보기.  이 페이지에 정확히 나와있다

한국말로 간단히 정리해보려한다.

Application process for Australian citizenship

호주 시민권 신청 프로세스

There are 10 steps in the application process.

The time it takes to apply for and be granted Australian citizenship varies. The Client Service Charter provides details on the service standard for processing an application for Australian citizenship.

Are you eligible?

Step 1. Determine that you are eligible to apply

스텝1. 신청하는데 자격이 되는지 확인부터 하기

In general, to apply for citizenship you will need to:

  • be a migrant who is a permanent resident
  • satisfy the residence requirement
  • be likely to reside, or to continue to reside, in Australia or to maintain a close and continuing association with Australia
  • be of good character if you are 18 years of age or over.

 영주권을 가진 이주자 일것. / 거주 조건을 만족시킬것/ 호주에 계속 거주할 예정이거나 계속 거주하고 있는자 / 18살 이상인 자

Step 2. Ensure you meet the residence requirement

스텝2. 거주 조건을 만족시켜야함

The residence requirement is based on the time you have lived in Australia and the time you have spent outside Australia.

You must:

  • have been living in Australia on a valid Australian visa for four years immediately before applying which must include the last 12 months as a permanent resident, and
  • not have been absent from Australia for more than one year in total, in the 4 year period, including no more than 90 days in the year before applying.

-시민권 비자 신청바로 직전의 4년동안 - 유효한 호주비자 (어떤 거든 상관없음.학생비자나 영주권 등등)를 가지고 호주에 거주했어야함. 4년중 마지막 12개월은 반드시 영주권자여야함

 -그 4년중에 다합쳐서 1년이상 호주밖으로 나가있으면 안됨. 시민권신청 직전의 마지막1년동안에는 90일이상 국외에 나가있으면 안됨

The Residence Requirement Calculator can help you calculate whether you meet this requirement.

Under certain circumstances the residence requirement may be varied. 


Step 3. Prepare for your citizenship test or interview

스텝3. 시민권 테스트나 인터뷰 준비하기 

Ensure you understand what Australian citizenship involves.

The test resource, Australian Citizenship - Our Common Bond, has all the information you need to prepare for the citizenship test. It also contains useful information for people having a citizenship interview.

Download Australian Citizenship - Our Common Bond or watch it on YouTube.

You can also do the practice test.

위에 다운로드 버튼누르거나 유투브, 프랙 시험 보면 되는듯.

Step 4. Gather your original documents

스텝4. 내 원본 서류들 모으기 

You must provide original documents.

You will need to provide a range of documents to

  • prove your identity,
  • establish links between all names you have used,
  • establish you have not had any serious criminal convictions
  • to apply for variations to the residence requirement or fees.

What are the document requirements? Use this checklist as a guide to the original documents usually required. 

원본 서류들을 반드시 제출해야한다.


-전에 썼던 모든 이름들을 내야하고

-예전에 어떤 심각한 범죄기록없었어야하고

위에 체크리스트가 있다. 파란색... 누르면 될듯.

이건 다른 글에 올리겠음

Step 5. Complete your application form

스텝5. 신청서 완성하기

There is a checklist to help you understand how to complete your application form. Ensure you complete all the questions in the application.

You may also be able to apply online.

여기도 체크리스트있음. 도움받기! 온라인 어플라이 가능.


Step 6. Lodge your application form

스텝6. 신청서 제출 

Making an application in Australia

Apply online or post your paper application to your nearest departmental office. Whether you apply online or on a paper application, you must attach certified copies of your identity and other documents. Do not post original documents with your application.

You will then need to bring your original documents with you to your citizenship appointment. You must also bring a completed Identity declaration and correctly endorsed photographs for yourself and any children included in your application.

Read the information about the application fee and how to pay it before lodging your application. In some circumstances, it is not possible to lodge your application online, for example, if you are seeking a fee concession or exemption.

온라인으로 신청가능 . 아니면. 근처 이민성 오피스로 종이서류 부치는것도 가능하다.

온라인으로 하든 종이서류로 신청하든, 내 신상과 다른서류들은 원본이 아닌 공증받은 복사본을 보내야한다!!

시민권관련 약속잡을때는 내 원본들을 가져가야 될것임.


Making an application outside Australia

The Overseas Citizenship Unit in Australia processes applications for citizenship made by applicants outside Australia. If you are overseas when applying for citizenship, you can apply online or lodge a paper application.

Certified copies of all the required documents need to be attached to your application. Send your paper application to the Overseas Citizenship Unit at the department's ACT and Regions Office in Australia. Do not post original documents.

Read the information about the application fee and how to pay it before lodging your application. In some circumstances, it is not possible to lodge your application online, for example, if you are seeking a fee concession or exemption.

호주 밖에서 신청하기? 패스.


Step 7. Attend your citizenship appointment

스텝7. 내 시민권 관련 약속에 출석해야함 

After the department receives your application, you will be invited to a citizenship appointment. We will send you a letter with your appointment details and further information.

At your appointment, an authorised officer will check your original documents and verify your identity. You will also take a citizenship test or have an interview, whichever applies.

You must bring your original documents to your appointment.

Your application may be refused if you do not attend your appointment.

Allow up to two hours for your appointment.

이민성이 내 신청서 받고 나서는, 우린 시민권 appointment 에 초대될것이다. 이민성에서 appointment 관련 디테일과 관련 정보들을 편지로 보내줄것임

appointment 에서는, 심사관이 내 오리지날 서류들을 체크할것이고, 내 신원증명을 하게됨. 또한! 시민권 테스트 혹은 인터뷰를 받게 될거임 ....ㅎㅎ

반드시 반드시  원본서류를  내 약속잡힌날에 가져갈것

보통..... 2시간정도 걸린다고 보면됨.


Step 8. Take the citizenship test or have a citizenship interview

스텝8. 시민권 시험 or 시민권 인터뷰 보기

You are usually required to take a citizenship test if you are aged 18 years and over and under 60 years of age. The citizenship test is designed to encourage you to find out more about life in Australia and what it means to be an Australian citizen. It will test your understanding of the responsibilities of citizenship as well as the rights that you will enjoy once you become a citizen. All the questions in the test are based on the testable information in Australian Citizenship - Our Common Bond.

Read more about the Australian Citizenship Test.

If you are not required to sit the test you may have a citizenship interview. At the interview we will confirm that you understand the nature of your citizenship application, have a basic knowledge of the English language and understand the responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship.

앉아서 시험보게 되거나, 아니면 인터뷰 보게 되는것임.  시민권에 대한 이해와 책임들 그리고 권리 :)

Step 9. Receive notification of the department's decision

스텝9. 이민성의 결정에 대한 통보 받게 될거임 

A decision on your application for citizenship can only be made after you have lodged a completed application together with the required original documents and fee.

The Client Service Charter provides details on the service standard for processing an application for Australian citizenship. If you do not receive notification within the time given in the charter you should contact the Citizenship Information Line on 131 880.

You must tell the department if you change your address, and you must be in the country at the time a decision is made. You may need to defer your travel plans or, if your travel is urgent contact the department for advice.

See more information about citizenship and travel

Your ceremony

정해진 기간내에 통보못받을경우 131 880 에 전화해서 물어봐야댐!!

집주소 변경될경우 반드시 반드시 이민성에 말해야한다!

결정내려질때 반드시 나는 이 나라에 있어야함.

여행계획이있다면 연기하고... 반약 정말 긴급한 여행일경우는 이민성에 조언 구할것!


Step 10. Attend a citizenship ceremony

스텝10. 시민권 세레모니에 참석하자~~ :) 

When you receive notification that your application has been approved, you will usually need to attend a citizenship ceremony and make the Australian Citizenship Pledge. This completes the process of becoming an Australian citizen.

Generally, it takes three to six months from the time your application is approved to be invited to attend a citizenship ceremony, but waiting times between local councils can vary.

If you have children under 16 years of age who were included on your application form they will become Australian citizens when you make the Pledge.

See also: Citizenship ceremonies 

시민권 신청이 받아들어졌다는 통보를 받으면, 그담에는 시민권 세레모니 에 참여해야 할거다 - 선서 하러!:) 이게 의미하는건 호주 시민이 되는 프로세스를 마쳤다는 의미....그제서야..

보통.. 신청 받아들여진다음 부터  이 세레모니에 초대되는데 걸리는 시간은..   3개월에서 6개월이 걸린댄다... 이런;; 이 대기 기간은 로컬 카운슬 마다 다르다고함










